1, cyber

could computers replace our head? yes or no? this is a awsome question because to my opinion i definity say no, the computers wont replace our head. it"s because i felt like even if the science get any better, the computer is just an machine that we invent. i dont the idea of how man created the machine, and let it take over us. one imortant reason why computers cannot replace our head is because we have feeling while the machine dont. we have our long memories, happy, sad, lonely, and everything in between that bordered our boundary between our head and computer. i seriously would not want a computer to take over my head, even though i wish i can be as smart as the computer. computers was useful to wise people who used it wisely. but to others, who want to get replace by computer, don not understand we, the human even with some similarity, still is so different from machine.maybe, somedays when the technology gets adance, scientist can do some really awsome and cool experiment to replace us with the computer, but not absolutly. we should appreciate ourself and realized the reasons why we shouldn"t replace our head with the computer. what happy would that brought if you cant feel the one who love you and you cant love the one that you love. i am proud that man created such wonderful machine like computer but more than anything computers maybe will someday replace our head, but we shouldn"t allow it to happen.
2, head to head,什么意思

电子计算机(electronic computer)通称电脑,是现代一种用于高速计算的电子计算机器,可以进行数值计算、逻辑计算,具有存储记忆功能,能够按照程序运行,自动、高速处理海量数据。 它由硬件系统和软件系统所组成,没有安装任何软件的计算机称为裸机。计算机被用作各种工业和消费设备的控制系统,包括简单的特定用途设备、工业设备及通用设备等。
Replace是Python、VB、ASP、Windows、SQL和Excel中的函数,功能都是执行替换操作.另外,replace在英语中的意思为take ones position.