1, 你的年龄多大英文怎么说

“你的年龄多大”英文怎么说:How old are you?一般用于口语,询问对方年龄大小,外国人一般不会问类似的个人隐私问题,他们一般喜欢谈论天气等其他问题。双语例句1. 我不在乎你多大了。I don"t care how old you are.2. 那提醒我了,你知道,有一天-我不知道当时你多大了。That reminds me, you know, of a day-I don"t know how old you were.3. 你真是太好了,亲爱的,你多大了?You are so kind, dear, how old are you?4. 他在问你多大了。He is asking how old you are.5. 你多大了?你看上去比他们都老。How old are you? You iook older than they are.6. 我不在乎你多大了,你对我而言永远是最好的。Right now I will give you this card for your birthday present.7. 他没告诉我你多大了。He wouldn"t tell me how old you were.8. 我只想知道你多大了。I"d just like to know, you know, how much.9. 你多大了?你什么时候开始干这个的,大姐?What"s your age? And since when are you doing this? Sister.10. 那年你多大岁数?How old were you that year? 例句:1. 他去世时候你多大?How old were you when he died?2. 举个例子,罗德小姐,你多大了?26岁For instance, how old are you, miss lord? 26?3. 你多大年纪了崔小姐?How old are you miss choi?4. 请恕我冒昧地问一下,你多大年龄?Pardon me for asking, but how old are you?5. 当你学习骑自行车的时候,你多大年龄?How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle.6. 假如你吸烟,你多大年龄时开始吸的?If you smoke, how old were you when you started smoking?7. 迈克尔:你多大的时候开始做第一份兼职工作?Michael: How old were you when you had your first part-time job?8. 今天是你生日,那你多大了?So it"s your birthday huh, how olds that make ya?9. 但无论你多大,在你没准备好以前,总会有时间。No matter how old you get, you"ll always have times when you feel inadequate.10. 你也不看看你多大了。Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age.
2, 你今年几岁?用英语怎么说

用英语问年龄的句子:1、How old are you:英语会话中最基本的句型之一,用于询问他人的年龄。2、Would you mind telling me your age:你介意告诉我你的年龄吗?3、Which year were you born:你是哪一年出生的?回答的时候可以说“I was born in 具体年份”,也可以用以下几种方式表达年龄。1、表示整岁,直接用基数词或year, age,比如“他20岁”就可以表示为:He is twenty.2、表示“在某人几十多岁”,用“in one"s + 基数词复数形式”,例如:He is in his seventies.他七十多岁。(从70岁到79岁之间)3、表示“快满多少岁”用进行时或将来时,例如“他快满18岁了”可说成:He is getting on for eighteen.4、表示“不满多少岁”,用副词barely/nearly/almost/quite/yet等,例如“她不满17岁”:She is barely/nearly/almost/quite/yet seventeen.5、表示“差多久满多少岁”用介词off,例如:He is five months off nineteen.他差5个月就满19岁了。说了问年龄,问名字常见的问法是“What"s your name?” 这句话是没有任何错误的,但有时上来直接这样问会显得不礼貌,下面两个更显友好的表达:1、May I have your name please? 2、Could you please tell me your name?另外,“Act your age意思是做你这个年龄该做的事”是一个固定说法。如果某个人的行为举止比他的实际年龄小很多,那么可以用这句话来提醒他们“成熟点”。例句:You should act your age.你该表现得成熟些。
3, 你几岁用英语怎么说?

How old are you?短语1. 你会几岁结婚小游戏 You know how old matrimony2. 你几岁了 Has your teen ; Que edad tiene usted3. 你妹妹几岁 Your sister teen ; How old is your sister ; How old your sister4. 你侄子几岁 your nephew teen ; You old nephew ; How old are your nephew5. 你姊姊几岁 How Old is Your Sister6. 例句:1. 你几岁? How old is your sister?2. 所以他先问了一些问题,其中一个是:“你几岁了?” So he first asked some questions, and one of them was:"How old are you?"3. 你几岁了?我五岁了。 How old have? I"m five (years old).4. 在成为一名职业球员前,你曾是一个油漆匠。你几岁时开始工作的? Before you became a professional footballer you had a job as a painter. How old were you when you started to work? 5. 你几岁了?我今天七岁了。 How wold are you? I"m seven today.6. 你几岁了,艾达? Mum:How old are you, Ada?
4, 你的年龄用英语怎么说?

“你的年龄”用英语表达为:Your age。“你的年龄”用英语还可以表达为:1、You age;2、For your age;3、As you age。“你的”的英文翻译为:your;“年龄”的英文翻译为:age。在英文中表示“整岁”,直接用基数词或year,age,例如“他20岁”可表示为:He is twenty.He is twenty years old.表示“在某人几十多岁”,用“in one"s +基数词复数形式”,例如:他七十多岁。He is in his seventies.(从70岁到79岁之间) 她五十多岁。She is in her fifties.(从50岁到59岁之间) 例句:1、是的,我能猜你的年龄。Yes, I can guess your age.2、把你的年龄和性别考虑进去。Take your age and gender into account.3、我是说你这么年轻,对你的年龄来说你这么成熟。I mean you are so young and you"re so mature for your age?
5, 我多少多少岁了用英文怎么说

我多少岁了的英文翻译是How old am I?重点词汇how old英 [hau əuld] 美 [haʊ old] 几岁;1.No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there"s always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. 不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。2.How old are you now? 你现在多大了?3.How old is your son now? 你儿子现在多大了?4. How old was the baby when it began to find his feet? 这个婴儿开始走路时是几岁?5. How old is your child? 你的孩子多大了?