2, 珍珠的英文

pearl英 [pɜ:l] 美 [pɚl] n. 珍珠;珍品;人造珍珠;珠状物 vi. 采珍珠 vt. 使成珠状;用珍珠装饰 佩儿; 珍珠; 拉丁; 像珍珠般 See also: mother-of-pearl; 珍珠 A pearl is a hard round object which is shiny and creamy white in colour. Pearls grow inside the shell of an oyster and are used for making expensive jewellery. She wore a string of pearls at her throat... 她戴了一串珍珠项链。I put on the pearl earrings Daddy had bought me. 我戴上了爸爸给我买的珍珠耳环。2. ADJ 形容词珍珠般的Pearl is used to describe something which looks like a pearl. pearl buttons. 珍珠般的小纽扣3. PHRASE 短语明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 If you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are wasting their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand it. You do not value what should be valued, I see I was casting pearls before swine.你不重视应该重视的东西,我觉得我是在对牛弹琴。4. PHRASE 短语精辟见解,睿智言论,妙语如珠(常指开玩笑的话) People describe what someone says as pearls of wisdom to suggest that it is wise or helpful, often when they are joking. what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?... 那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?Her advice includes perfectly true but rather fulsome pearls of wisdom. 她的建议中有完全正确的金玉良言,但有过于恭维之嫌。
4, 珍珠的英语

Mother-of-pearl Pui Plating square mother-of-pearl Pui Choi Color aluminum chain Thread beads Alloy deduction Chu lost - Resin Imitation Cangyin Profiled pearls Crystal flower explosion Green jade Double Bianzhu Amanda imitation Manual Ruandao Oblate Chu M-shaped beads Is Yuanzhu Small leisure Micro-leisure一一对应一下了,应该是这样子吧,没错!!!
珍珠是一种古老的有机宝石,主要产在珍珠贝类和珠母贝类软体动物体内;而由于内分泌作用而生成的 含碳酸钙的矿物(文石)珠粒,是由大量微小的文石晶体集合而成的;种类丰富,形状各异,色彩斑斓;根据地质学和考古学的研究证明,在两亿年前,地球上就已经有了珍珠;在国际宝石界还将珍珠列为六月生辰的幸运石,结婚十三周年和三十周年的纪念石。具有瑰丽色彩和高雅气质的珍珠,象征着健康、纯洁、富有和幸福,自古以来为人们所喜爱。
Pearls运行环境支持Android 2.1,应用类型休闲益智类游戏。