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红楼梦英文结束 红楼梦英文简介

来源:朵拉利品网  |  2020-11-12 05:49:32

1, 红楼梦英文简介

英文:"Dream of the Red Chamber" to Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai main line between love marriage and tragedy.
a description of the rise and fall of sediments represented by the four most prominent families, reveals the complex contradictions of the feudal family, performance of the feudal marriage, morality, culture, education and decadent, degenerate and create a series of nobility civilians and the tragic image of a slave woman who has demonstrated an extremely broad typical feudal society living environment.
reflect the twists and turns that society is bound to collapse, the declining trend of history.
Rebel extolling aristocratic also works against the feudal ethics and love, The initial pursuit of individual freedom embodied the democratic idea, and reveals the profound and comprehensive Jia Lin.
Xue love marriage between social causes of the tragedy.
However, due to historical limitations, the authors write in the demise of the feudal family, it is also expressed regret over the sad feelings Mongolia had one fatalism and nihilism colors.

2, 红楼梦的英文简介

"The Story of the Stone" (c. 1760), also known as "The Dream of the Red Chamber", is one of the greatest novels of Chinese literature. The fifth part of Cao Xueqin"s magnificent saga, "The Dreamer Awakes", was carefully edited and completed by Gao E some decades later. It continues the story of the changing fortunes of the Jia dynasty, focussing on Bao-yu, now married to Bao-chai, after the tragic death of his beloved Dai-yu. Against such worldly elements as death, financial ruin, marriage, decadence and corruption, his karmic journey unfolds. Like a sleepwalker through life, Bao-yu is finally awakened by a vision, which reveals to him that life itself is merely a dream, "as moonlight mirrored in the water".
CAO XUEQIN (1715?-63) was born into a family which for three generations held the office of Commissioner of Imperial Textiles in Nanking, a family so wealthy that they were able to entertain the Emperor Kangxi four times. But calamity overtook them and their property was confiscated. Cao Xuegin was living in poverty near Peking when he wrote his famous novel The Story of the Stone (also known as The Dream of the Red Chamber), of which this is the second volume. The four other volumes, The Golden Days, The Warning Voice, The Debt of Tears and The Dreamer Wakes, are also published in the Penguin Classics.
DAVID HAWKES was Professor of Chinese at Oxford University from Igsq to 1971 and a Research Fellow of All Souls College, from 1973 to 1983. He now lives in retirement in Wales.

3, 红楼梦的英文摘要

if someone doesn"t know the "stone story",it"s no use for him to read all books. of all novels made in Ming & Qing Dynasty, the "stone story" is the most famous one.since it got to known, all kinds of comments,topics,paintings,poems,opera and films come to people"s life. for over 200 years, an association has formed, which specially learn Cao and his work----the "stone story".it"s responsible to say that the "stone story" is not only an outstanding piece of work in classical chinese novels, a fabulous represent of chinese culture, but also something such as splendid pearl in the history of novels,lecture and even art in the world.
in the "stone story", things mentioned are so many, say, architecture,gardoning,clothing,equipments,food,medicine,rite,costume,philosophy,music and arts,opera and acrobatics, so long and so forth.but among these, the most attractive content is poems and lirycs.
the "song for burying flowers" stands for the miserable experience of Lin daiyu, and it is one of the most significant works the author Cao used to sculpt the role of Lin.

4, 红楼梦英文翻译

dream of the red chamber(also red chamber dream, hung lou meng or a dream of red mansions) (chinese: 红楼梦), rarely also called the story of the stone(chinese: 石头记)is a masterpiece of chinese vernacular literature and one of china"s four great classical novels. the novel was composed approx. between 1749 and 1759 during the qing dynasty and is attributed to cao xueqin. redology is the field of study devoted exclusively to this work and the novel is generally acknowledged as the pinnacle of the classical chinese novels.
the novel is believed to be semi-autobiographical, mirroring the fortunes of cao"s own family. as the author details in the first chapter, it is intended to be a memorial to the women he knew in his youth: friends, relatives and servants.
the novel is remarkable not only for its huge cast of characters and psychological scope, but also for its precise and detailed observation of the life and social structures typical of 18th-century chinese aristocracy.
this novel was published anonymously but 20th-century redologists have ascertained its author to be cao xueqin, based on circulated commentaries penned in red ink on many of the early handcopied versions known as the "rouge versions" (脂本).



汉语,汉族的语言,中国的通用语言。国际通用语言之一。属汉藏语系,同中国境内的藏语、壮语、傣语、侗语、黎语、彝语、苗语、瑶语等,中国境外的泰语、缅甸语等都是亲属语言。 汉语历史悠久,使用的人数最多。全球至少15亿使用者,世界上使用汉语的人占世界人口的25%,是中国、新加坡的官方语言,亦是联合国六种工作语言之一,主要流通于中国和新加坡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国等东南亚国家以及美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本等国的汉族华人社区。一般所说的汉语指的是普通话。





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