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了不起的盖茨比英文段落 菲茨杰拉德 <了不起的盖茨比>最后一段的英文原文

来源:朵拉利品网  |  2020-11-12 05:52:50

1, 菲茨杰拉德 <了不起的盖茨比>最后一段的英文原文

So we beat on ,boats against the current ,borne back ceaselessly into the past.

3, 了不起的盖茨比英文summery

The plot of The Great Gatsby
The film is told us the story of Gatsby by Nick"s tone. Nick came to New York from his hometown, and he rent a small house nearby Gatsby"s luxurious mansion where hold a grand banquet every night.
The story began with the meet between Nick and Gatsby. Nick had an exploratory interest to Gatsby and understood that there was a lost love in Gatsby"s deep heart. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other when Gatsby was young, but because of Gatsby"s poor family they were broken up. Then G. joined the First World War. While Daisy was married to Tom who was a rich dandy, but her marriage was not happy because Tom had a mistress. Therefore, the material couldn"t satisfy her spiritual empty.Gatsby was very painful and he believed that Daisy betrayed the pure heart for the money, so he resolved to be a man of wealth and a few years later he managed it. What"s more, in the opposite direction of Daisy"s house Gatsby built a mansion. In order to attract Daisy and aroused the lost love, Gatsby spent money like water. Nick was moved by Gatsby"s passion of love, so he visited to his young female cousin Daisy and told her Gatsby"s mind. Then Gatsby made date with Daisy, often. Finally, Gatsby found Daisy"s vanity, vulgar and selfish. Gatsby"s pink dream finally broke up, but he still insisted it, still retained any illusion about Daisy, and even led to his tragedies.
One day Daisy was in a drunken driving Gatsby"s car ran over and caused an accident that killed Tom"s mistress, and she planned a plot with Tom to put the crime to Gatsby. It led to the mistress" husband shot Gatsby. Gatsby died, only his father and Nick attended the funeral.
Nick witnessed the virtual mood of human reality. At the end, Nick backed to his hometown with a tragedy mood.






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