Duratel MF27
Custom Resins Group
Duratel MF27 is an unreinforced high-flow acetalco-polymer. Duratel MF27 has the high creep resistance, wear resistance, andoutstanding chemical resistance inherent in acetal resins. MF27 is suitable forsuch applications as clips, fasteners, gears, bushings and bearings, and otheruses where long term creep and wear resistance are required.
特性 |
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用途 |
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形式 | 粒子 | |||||
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 | |||
比重 | 1.41 | g/cm3 | ASTM D792 | |||
收缩率 - 流动 | 1.8 到 2.2 | % |
本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,ULMSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!
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联系人: 莫生
邮箱: mk15250596739@163.com
Duratel POM MF27 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Duratel POM MF3 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Duratel POM MF9 UV BK 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Duratel POM MF9 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Duratel POM MF9-GF10 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Duratel POM MF9-PT20 塑胶原料 Custom Resins Group 聚甲醛(POM)共聚物
Durepol? PBT A3 G20 NTLA010 BT308 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G20 PRTA011 BT321 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G30 CNZ0340 BT320 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G30 NTLA010 BT302 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G30 PRTA011 BT304 MSP Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G30 ST MRM0035 BT306 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 G50 NTLA010 BT330 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 HL NTLA010 BT314 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 HL PRTA011 BT315 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 NTLA010 BT307 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 TZ NTLA010 BT311 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
Durepol? PBT A3 V20 CNZ0350 BT331 Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA
- 联系人 邓叶飞
- 联系电话 86-0512-53128920 18015495919
- 公司地址 江苏苏州市太仓市浮桥镇新港中路2号6-4幢06室
注册号: | 91320585MA1P9XW20T |
组织机构代码: | - |
税务登记证号: | - |
法定代表人: | 邓九元 |
经营状态: | 开业 |
成立日期: | 2017-06-27 |
营业期限: | 2017-06-27 至 2047-06-26 |
年检日期: | 2017-06-27 |
注册资本: | 100万(元) |
企业类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) |
机构类型: | - |
所属行业: | - |
行政区划: | 江苏省苏州市太仓市 |
电话号码: | 158****0805 |
登记机关: | 太仓市市场监督管理局 |
所在地址: | 太仓市浮桥镇新港中路2号6-4幢06室 |
经营范围: | 经销工程塑胶产品、塑料制品及原料、化工产品及原料。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |