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Forprene 6MDA85 TPV 高韧性绳子
发布时间  2019-06-22 06:21:36
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              Forprene 6MDA85 SO.F.TER. SPA TPV Forprene 6MD.A85是一种热塑性硫化橡胶(TPV)材料,。 该产品在北美洲、非洲和中东、拉丁美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货,加工方式为:注射成型。 Forprene? 6MD.A85的主要特性有: - 通过 ROHS 认证 - 高流动性 典型应用领域包括: - 工业应用

 Forprene is a Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) and more precisely, it is a Vulcanised Thermoplastic Elastormer (TPV). It is made up of an elastomeric phase (dynamically vulcanised EPDM), which is deeply dispersed in a polyolefinic thermoplastic matrix, whose combination determines a real plasto-elastomeric alloy characterised by high performances and extremely easy processability.
Its thermoplastic matrix allows Forprene? to be processed in an easy and unexpensive way by means of traditional technologies used for thermoplastic materials and to be fully recyclable whereas its elastomeric phase features typically rubber-like specifications such as elastic recovery and softness. 

The extensive Forprene? family product features an exceptionally wide range of specifications in just one single product:
- wide hardness range, from 20 ShA to 65 ShD
- typical density - high elastic recovery within a wide temperature range
- excellent resistance to UV ageing, ozone and weathering 
- service temperature ranging from -50°C to 125°C although a temperature up to 145°C can be reached for a short time
- excellent resistance to several chemical agents, i.e. bases, acids, alcohols, detergents, water solutions, various polar solvents etc.
- high fatigue resistance
- high thermal and electric insulation values
- good abrasion resistance
- specific rheology for each type of process
- heat adhesion on polypropylene (PP)
- excellent colorability, for some grades.
Special grades featuring the following specifications are also available:
- flame resistance (UL 94-V0)
- additional protection against heat and UV ageing
- protection against copper
- low fogging value
- low friction coefficient
- high abrasion resistance
- RAL-GZ 716/1 approval, Class IV (building industry) 




3: 快递,物流和货运可发往全国。珠三角24小时内到达,1000KG以上可免费送货上门或物流快递运送,支持物流代收货款,最小起订量25KG。 
4: 我们承诺期限内发货,但对承运人效率无法作出保证,若物流快递超出3天,货运超出5天,请联络我们协助查询,买家也可以根据交易状态中填写的单号信息,自行联系承运方,以便第一时间获知详细信息. 
5: 签收货物请注意我们快递货物时一般情况是在原塑胶产品外面在套了一个包装,请您打开保护袋及时核对型号是否和订单一致,检查货物有无破包、潮湿,原料外漏等。出现以上情况请拍好物流车辆和货物照片并拨打我公司服务电话,我公司将在24小时内帮您重新发货,或退款。 


 Shenzhen Yi Mingxuan Plastic Chemical Co., Ltd.
 Mobile: 18825565229

