7、 齿轮替换式、无细牙限制; 丝攻不对孔、丝攻会自动退回;
8、 主轴可高速法转、顺畅;
9、 齿轮传动,全部是单面齿接触无间隙;
10、齿轮模式, 一转一牙距,牙纹**符合牙规检验;
11、 配合牙距,丝攻耐用寿命长;
12、 齿轮拆换简易、方便,快速;
13、 可以配合振动盘,实现全自动上下料,加倍提高工作效率;
14、 马达内装独立降温风扇,不发烫,采用专门设计的正反马达;
15、 立柱为实心、镀硬铬、耐磨擦不生锈。
1、 大批量生产且精度要求较高的制品,需要攻牙加工的均可适用。
2、 例如:铝、锌、镁、铜合金制品、计算机钣金外壳、机箱、冲床二次加工制品、灯饰类、汽机车精密零件业、电子业、小五金类、电动气压工具类、卫浴设备类等等,
3、 可搭配2-24轴活动式多轴器及固定式多轴器以及分度盘,用以提高产能、省时省力。
4、 可根据客户零件加工的需求,规划、设计制造半自动化及自动化钻孔攻牙切削专用机。
5、 敝公司一贯坚持至高吕质、精益求精的理念,为广大客户提供**良的机械,并保证**的售后服务,免除你的一切后顾之忧。
Automatic multi-axis tapping machine features:
1 and motor cooling fan installed inside independent, forced cooling, can avoid the high temperature and reduce the system horsepower and a operation, strong and durable.
2, especially the solid pillar, the tempering treatment eliminate stress, the appearance of hard chromium plating, friction resistance, rusty.
3, in order to improve the torsion, reduce speed, especially in spindle internal set the a group of the reduction gear group, in order to create a perfect teeth lines and extend the screw life.
4, a high speed cycles per minute, and 42 times.
5, AD hoc dual safety torque protection device, prevent the wreck a screw.
6, simple operation (down to form), a smooth operation, the operator hands all be free to leave the machinery to match the up-down material.
7, gear replacement type, no fine tooth limit; Screw holes, not screw will automatically return;
8, spindle speed method can turn, smooth;
9, gear transmission, are all single tooth contact no clearance;
10, gear mode, a turn away from a tooth fillings, grain with perfect teeth customs inspection;
11 and cooperate with the teeth from, screw durable long life.
12 systems of simple and easy, convenient, gear, fast;
13, can cooperate with vibration plates, realize the automatic up-down material, double improve work efficiency;
14 and motor cooling fan installed inside independent, not burning, the special design of positive and negative motor;
15, pillar for solid hard chromium plating, friction resistance does not rust.
Gold leaf card to be automatic tapping machines for processing products:
1, mass production and higher accuracy of products, need to tapping processing of all can apply.
2, for example, aluminum, zinc and magnesium and copper alloy products, computer sheet metal shell, case, punch press two processing products, lighting class, automobiles precision components industry, electronics industry, the hardware category, electrical pneumatic tools and sanitary equipment type, and so on,
Three, can match 2-24 shaft activity type is more and more fixed axis and dividing the shaft dish, to increase production capacity, saves time and effort.
4, may according to the customer demand of parts processing, planning, design and manufacture of half automation and automation drilling tapping cutting steels.
5, our company always adheres to the high quality, lu to the idea of striving for perfection, to provide our clients with the most excellent mechanical, and ensure the most perfect after-sale service, exempt from all your worries.
钻孔机是指利用比目标物更坚硬、更锐利的工具通过旋转切削或旋转挤压的方式,在目标物上留下圆柱形孔或洞的机械和设备统称。也有称为钻机、打孔机、打眼机、通孔机等。通过对精密部件进行钻孔,来达到预期的效果,钻孔机有半自动钻孔机和全自动钻孔机,随着人力资源成本的增加;大多数企业均考虑全自动钻孔机作为发展方向。随着时代的发展,自动钻孔机的钻孔技术的提升,采用全自动钻孔机对各种五金模具 表带钻孔 表带钻孔 首饰进行钻孔优势明显。
- 联系人 叶军
- 联系电话 0769-82802359
- 公司地址 中国广东省东莞市 东莞市横沥镇隔坑工业园A栋
注册号: | 91441900338034224H |
组织机构代码: | 33803422-4 |
税务登记证号: | 91441900338034224H |
法定代表人: | 叶军 |
经营状态: | 开业 |
成立日期: | 2015-04-20 |
营业期限: | 2015-04-20 至 无固定期限 |
年检日期: | 2017-12-22 |
注册资本: | 100万(元) |
企业类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
机构类型: | 企业法人 |
所属行业: | 其他通用设备制造业 |
行政区划: | 广东省东莞市 |
电话号码: | 185****6006 |
登记机关: | 东莞市工商行政管理局 |
所在地址: | 东莞市横沥镇西城二区金金碧园区第B2栋第一层1号 |
经营范围: | 产销:机械设备、五金制品、电器产品。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |