1, 丑小鸭翻译中文

【In the country a sunny place, a deep moat around a House.The giant wall of herbaceous plants, leaves stretched out over the water, some branches and leaves hanging out, a child can in the next station they. The House, in the thick leaves like a forest is located at the same, a castaway.On the River, there is a duck crouched nests, her little ducks on the verge of being hatching out, but she had crouched whup, incubating time-consuming too long.Say it again, very little ducks will come for her, because other ducks prefer River weaving, do not want a set of land came ashore and she tore the mundane. Finally, eggs is ground stone, “ cheep cheep (onomatopoeia), ” duckling.All are David duck, they are born from the eggshell stretching out their little head.】在乡下一个阳光灿烂的地方,一条深深的护城河环绕着一座古老的大宅。巨大草本植物的树叶伸出墙外,垂在水面上,有些枝叶吊得高,一个小孩都可以在叶子下站直身子。大宅在浓密的树叶之中就像坐落在一个森林里一样,与世隔绝。在河边,有一只鸭子蹲在自己的窝里,她的小鸭子快要被孵化出来了,但她已蹲得不耐烦了,孵卵耗时实在太长了。再说,很少鸭子会来搭理她,因为其他鸭子更喜欢在河上到处游,不想一摆一摆地上岸和她扯家常。最后,蛋一只接一只地破壳了,“cheep,cheep(拟声词)”小鸭子们叫着。所有幼鸭都降生了,他们正从蛋壳里伸出他们的小脑袋。翻译是网上的!
2, Fancy的中文是什么意思?

名词 n. 1. 爱好;迷恋[C][(+to)]He took a fancy to the girl next door. 他迷恋上了隔壁的女孩子。 2. 想像;想像力;幻想[U][C]She has a lively fancy. 她想像力丰富。 3. 想法;怪念头[C]及物动词 vt. 1. 【口】想像,设想[O4][+v-ing]Fancy sitting in the sun all day! 想一想整天坐在太阳底下的滋味吧! Fancy her saying a thing like that! 你能想像她竟说出那样的话来! 2. 猜想[Y][+(that)]I fancy he"s pretty happy. 我猜想他很幸福。 3. 【口】喜爱,爱好;想要[+v-ing]What do you fancy for dinner? 你晚饭想吃什么? I don"t fancy walking in the rain. 我不喜欢在雨中行走。 4. 【英】爱慕(异性)形容词 a. 1. 别致的;花俏的;花式的Both of them like fancy clothes. 他俩都喜欢穿新奇的服装。 2. 需要高度技巧的He is good at fancy diving. 他擅长花式跳水。 3. 【美】(食品等)特级的,精选的[B]The store sells fancy fresh fruits. 这商店出售特级鲜果。 4. (价格)过高的;昂贵的[B]He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices. 他出售的商品很糟,要价却非常昂贵。 5. 想像出来的;异想天开的
3, matter的中文是什么?

matter 英[ˈmætə(r)] 美[ˈmætɚ] n. 物质; 事件; (讨论、考虑等的) 问题; 重要性; vi. 要紧,重要; 化脓; 有重大影响; 有重要性; [例句]It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter很明显,她想谈些私事。If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters 如果正常生活都一团糟了,那么再讲究小情调根本无济于事。History is always a matter of interpretation 历史总是一种阐释角度的问题。A proton is an elementary particle of matter. 质子是物质的基本粒子。They feed mostly on decaying vegetable matter. 它们大多以腐烂的蔬菜为食。Carole, what"s the matter? You don"t seem happy 卡萝尔,出什么事了?你好像不开心。Within a matter of days she was back at work 仅仅几天后,她又回去上班了。A lot of the food goes on the floor but that doesn"t matter 许多食品掉在地板上,不过也没什么关系。