1, 多少钱英语怎么说三种
”多少钱“翻译成英语是”How much“。以下是三种在英语中”多少钱“双语用法例句:1、如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给。译文:If you help me, I"ll pay you anything. 2、这个多少钱?译文:How much is this? 3、估算一下你一共有多少钱,看是否已经足够了。译文:Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough. How much和How many的区别:how many:用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句+?例句:1、how much is this dress?译文:这个连衣裙多少钱?2、how much are these desks?译文:这些桌子多少钱?how much:用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。例句:1、How many apples do you have?译文:你有多少苹果?2、How many days are there in a year?译文:一年有多少天?
2, '你有多少钱'用英语怎么说
1 你还剩多少钱?( 地道,常用的表达)How much money left?2 我只剩下50 元了,买不起那个东西Only 50 yuan left,Not enough to but it.3 他最近这几个月,心情很不好。 我建议他出去旅行散散心He is not good those months.I suggested him to have a trave.4 你打算去哪里旅行散心?瑞士怎样?Where would you like to go?How about Switzerland.5 你想去 旅行几天呢? 我想去旅行1个月,好好静一静How long would you like to go there? About 1 month for realx.6 你想去 苏州旅行多久? 我想去苏州旅行3天,时间足够了。How long would you like to trave in suzhou.About 3days ,I think that "s enough.
基本信息 2008年第6期以后停刊 主办单位:世纪出版集团 出 版:上海译文出版社 主 编:吴 洪 副 主 编:黄昱宁 总 策 划:谈瀛洲 编 辑:龚 容 李玉瑶 王洁琼 美术编辑:杨钟玮 中国刊号:CN31-1117/J 邮发代号:4-729