1, 蛋糕用英语怎么读

cake[英][keɪk][美][kek]n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层; 第三人称单数:cakes过去分词:caked复数:cakes现在进行时:caking过去式:caked1.N-VAR蛋糕;糕饼A cake is a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in an oven. Cakes may be large and cut into slices or small and intended for one person only....a piece of cake...一块蛋糕2.N-COUNT饼状食物;饼Food that is formed into flat round shapes before it is cooked can be referred to as cakes ....fish cakes.鱼饼3.N-COUNT块;小块A cake of soap is a small block of it....a small cake of lime-scented soap.一小块青柠味香皂谢谢,欢迎提问
2, 蛋糕的英语怎么读

蛋糕的英语:cake蛋糕的短语:cake shop 蛋糕商店green tea cake 绿茶蛋糕fresh fruit cake 水果蛋糕red bean cake 红豆蛋糕wedding cake 结婚蛋糕用cake造句:1、They are regaling on cream cakes.他们在美滋滋地吃奶油蛋糕。2、There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two.只有一块蛋糕, 但我们把它切成两半儿。3、Not only that, but there are plenty of low fat cakes, cookies and desserts sold at every grocery store.不仅仅是无脂食品,还有食品店里出售的许多低脂蛋糕,饼干和甜点等都是如此。4、But you can"t come and not have the chocolate cake!你不可能就这样来了,连巧克力蛋糕都不吃一块吧!5、She"ll eat cake as long as we let her.她会不停地吃蛋糕,如果我们不阻止她的话。
蛋糕是一种古老的西点,一般是由烤箱制作的,蛋糕是用鸡蛋、白糖、小麦粉为主要原料。以牛奶、果汁、奶粉、香粉、色拉油、水,起酥油、泡打粉为辅料。经过搅拌、调制、烘烤后制成一种像海绵的点心。 蛋糕是一种面食,通常是甜的,典型的蛋糕是以烤的方式制作出来。蛋糕的材料主要包括了面粉、甜味剂(通常是蔗糖)、黏合剂(一般是鸡蛋,素食主义者可用面筋和淀粉代替)、起酥油(一般是牛油或人造牛油,低脂肪含量的蛋糕会以浓缩果汁代替),液体(牛奶,水或果汁),香精和发酵剂(例如酵母或者发酵粉)。